Cosmology & Sciences

Cosmology & Sciences

Cosmos, Portal of Light

It teaches us the keys to establish new patterns of behaviour that introduce us through the portals of light given by the Cosmos, by means of the transformation and energetic subtilisation of man.


Project Koradhy

We would like to present a highly topical book, a treatise on Anthropogenetics, Psychogenetics and Cosmogenetics that is based on the most up-to-date scientific discoveries and provides us with fundamental keys to understand many of the events that we are experiencing in these moments of cosmic, planetary and human transition..


Astronomical and Astrological Influence on Man

The author of this very interesting book of cosmology and psychology, the renowned writer Ernesto Baron, brings us closer to a subject of great relevance and the knowledge of the energetic influences that come from the cosmos.  This is not just another book of astrology; it is an astronomical and astrological treatise, in which we can discover ourselves with psychological profundity.


The Cosmic Guardians

This very interesting book, “The Cosmic Guardians”, comes to light after the profound research made by its author in the course of more than ten years dedicated to the study and investigation of the UFO phenomenon.