Truth... is it one, none or many?

In this book, “Truth… is it one, none or many?” its author Ernesto Baron leads us to reflect with profundity on that great virtue that is Truth, which, however, is articulated and valued less and less in this decadent time that we live. Quoting the author in his introduction, “To become completely truthful in this dark age is very difficult and sensitive, especially when we have responsibilities that force us to enter a dead end, which may alter our life.”

Through this sociological and psychological treatise, we can enter into a subject of great importance for our relationships with others and for our own self-knowledge. In this time when ethical and almic values are in crisis, the message conveyed in this book is very important since through its chapters we can obtain solutions for this world of untruth, deceit and fraud, aspects which have become a norm in the political, sociological and humanistic sphere, and in this way we can recover dignity and find a path to follow.


Thanks to the author, in the first part of the book, “The subjective truths”, we can find a point of reference in relation to ourselves to be able to classify our behaviour according to that which we project onto others. He goes profoundly into the different types of truth, reasoning, emotional, the truth of fear, all of which have subjectivity and unconsciousness in common, then studies those attitudes that distance us from the truth such as omission, exaggeration, fanaticism, the truth of self-love, half-truths, etc. and lastly ends with the subjective attitudes which are harmful due to the damage they cause such as the altered truth, the adaptation of truth and untruth.

In a simple but profound language, its author helps us to disentangle, analyse and understand all these attitudes, behaviours and states which distance us from the authentic Truth.

The second part of the book brings us closer to the reality of the Inner Truths and the knowledge of the crown of Truth and the goddess Maat as its ruler. In addition, it guides us in the discovery of our inner duty and our responsibility to understand the authentic meaning of Truth as a transcendental principle of life, as well as studying the different steps to follow through the truth of the essence and the inner Kaom, the truth of the soul and the highest level, the Absolute Truth of the great beings.

The third part of the book focuses on the psychological study of human reality and the reasons that drive man to be untruthful, that is to say, justifications and arguments such as negligence, insecurity, perfectionism, gossip… which are excuses and pretexts that make him search for an apparent tranquillity and thus cause him to avoid confronting his own reality and therefore, his error.

And to finish, the author directs us to reflect on why we want to become truthful, guiding us in the search for Truth, revealing true keys through very useful practical advice in this difficult and arduous task.

We can assert with surety that this book is a true guide of great psychological usefulness for those who aspire to recover the helm of their lives and become authentically truthful.